We are delighted to welcome Rich Bishop (Director, withdigital) as the new Chair of our Digital Leadership Board, taking the role on from Professor Ardavan Amini (CEO, essesystems) who has led the Board since its inception in 2020.

Rich, who is a Chartered IT Professional, member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chief Technology Officer at Skyfarer and a member of Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, joins the Board at a key point in the development of the Centre as we look to develop our work as the only independent, non-partisan think tank in and for the West Midlands.

On his appointment, Rich added:

“I am delighted to be joining the Centre as Chair of the Digital Leadership Board. I’d like to thank Ardavan for the work he has put into founding this board, and for his help and support handing over the reins. Having been engaged with the policy world through my engagement with the CBI and the Federation of Small Business, I am delighted to be able to help shape the work of CNM’s Digital workstream and support policymakers with insight and direction on how the region needs to prepare itself for an ever changing digital economy and society. I have a particular passion for digital inclusion and digital transformation in SMEs and look forward to working with and supporting our other Board Members in bringing their own areas of specialisms to the forefront of the region’s dialogue in this increasingly important area of public policy.”

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Ardavan, who will remain as a Member of the Board and our specialist in Complex Adaptive Systems, for all of his work over the past four years. Chris Smith (Founder and MD) commented:

“I would like to express my sincere thanks to Ardavan for his constant support in helping to shape the Centre’s work since its inception in 2020. Ardavan has never ceased to be a passionate believer in the work of the Centre and crucially, how we can help support the region in becoming an even better place to live, work, study, play and invest in. I look forward to continuing our association together for the betterment of the West Midlands”.